Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”, Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ,John 14:6 “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”, Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Amen.{1Tim 1:12-17 }

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركات

Hope you find this site helpful,and a real blessing. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me Your Friend Sabir Ali

Testimonies of both Shia & Sunnies Muslims Background

 Following Testimonies

  1. Barkatullah
  2. Imad ud-Din
  3. Barkatullah
  4. Moulvie Safdar Ali
  5. Imam ud-Din
  6. Sultan Muhammad Paul


From Karbala to Christ: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh

Table of Contents

  • Growing up in a strict Shiite Home
  • Success at School
  • Reading Books Written Against the Isai Religion
  • The Fervent Celebration of Muharram
  • Shaming an Isai
  • High School
  • The Thorn of Sin
  • Conversion of My Father
  • Searching for the Truth Anew

From Karbala to Christ: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh From Karbala to Christ: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh

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Perfect Intercession: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh

Moulvie Imad ud-Din explains how and why he became a follower of al-Maseeh.

Table of Contents

  • Origins
  • Studies in Agra Government College
  • First Doubts and the Rebuke of Friends
  • Moulvi Safdar Ali's Guidance
  • The New Path of the Sufis
  • Preacher in the Mosque of Agra
  • The Search for Intercession before God
  • A Life of Asceticism in Karauli
  • Disciples
  • Resulting Agnosticism
  • Teacher in Lahore but Mental Anguish
  • Plan to Debate with Safdar Ali
  • Change of Heart after Reading the Injil
  • Opposition of Others
  • Peace of Heart
  • Five Experiences Acquired in the Past 7 Years

Perfect Intercession: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh Perfect Intercession: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh 

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Perfect Salvation: Why We Became Followers of al-Maseeh

Read the gripping story of how the members of a whole family became followers of al-Masih.

Table of Contents

  1. Sheikh Ihsanullah
    • The Khwajegan "Caste"
    • The Economic Situation
    • The First Followers of al-Maseeh
    • The Effect of the Mission School
    • Sheikh Ihsan Ali Becomes a Follower of al-Maseeh
  2. In Batala
    • Once More in School
    • Consciousness of Salvation from Sin
    • Teacher in Batala
    • The Calling to Become a Minister
  3. Back in Narowal
  4. Sheikh Rahmat Ali
    • Ihsanullah's Brother Rahmat Ali is Assailed by Doubts
    • Earthquake and Epidemic
    • Public Confession of Faith
    • Baptism and Pressure From Relatives
    • Son Barkatullah's Path to Faith
    • The Witness of Rahmatullah
    • Rahmatullah's Love Prevails

Perfect Salvation: Why We Became Followers of al-Maseeh Perfect Salvation: Why We Became Followers of al-Maseeh 

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Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh 

 Moulvie Safdar Ali explains how and why he became a follower of al-Maseeh.

Table of Contents

  • Studies in Agra
  • Prizes
  • Assistant Professor
  • Spiritual Thirst
  • Deputy Inspector in Punjab
  • Learning From the Sufis
  • In Search of a Spiritual Guide
  • Transfer to Multan
  • The Disappointing Answer of Sufis
  • Return to Jabalpur
  • Plan to Search For a Spiritual Guide in Arabia
  • Plan to Refute God's Word
  • The Angry Answers of Muslim Scholars to Safdar's Questions
  • Nehemiah Goreh's Love
  • Rejection Through Safdar's Own People
  • The Most Dangerous Enemy

The Perfect Guide: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh The Perfect Guide: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh 

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The Perfect Treasure:  Testimony of Imam ud-Din

Imam ud-Din is the celebrated author of the Punjabi Psalms, many of which are still sung today. Here he describes how and why he became a follower of Isa al-Masih.


The Perfect Treasure: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh The Perfect Treasure: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh

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The Perfect Way: - by Sultan Muhammad

After studying higher education at well-known madrasas, S.M. Paul felt called to defend Islam. In this context he arranged many debates with Christians. Here he explains why he became a follower of al-Maseeh in spite of this.

Table of Contents

  • My Home Country and Place of Birth
  • My Parents
  • Separated From My Relatives
  • Studies in Madressa Fatahpuri
  • My First Debate With Isais
  • I Receive a Copy of God's Word
  • My Method of Reading God's Word
  • My Transfer to Mumbai
  • My Studies in Madrassa Zakaria
  • Debates With Isais in Mumbai
  • A New Plan in Dealing With Isais
  • My Teacher Gets Angry With Me
  • I Go to Mekka and Medina
  • My Return
  • Continuing the Work of Anjuman Zia-ul-Islam
  • My Debate With Munshi Mansur
  • How to Gain Salvation?
  • According to the Quran Nobody Can Be Saved
  • The Interpretation of the Above Verse Through the Prophet
  • The Prophet Also Cannot Gain Salvation Through Good Works
  • Salvation Through the Injeel
  • I Become a Follower of Hazrat Isa

The Perfect Way: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh The Perfect Way: Why I Became a Follower of al-Maseeh 

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